Sunday 17 June 2018

Week 7- #Buddytime #Writing #Maths

Action pack week as per normal

This week Whakapono had Aroha 4 buddy time
the children were learning procedural writing and measurement through cooking.

Whakapono 19 helping, Aroha 4 with their writing
Art work for the bag to put their cookies in

Mixing the dough for the cookies 
Measuring the ingredients 
The cookies were yummy

Writing- Jasmine

This week in writing the children were learning not to use pronouns in their explanation writing.  Here is Jasmine explanation of a playground activity

Maths- NaliyahJay KempAshby
The children were learning to Solve Problems by counting the number of groups they have made and dividing them evenly within groups to workout division equations

1 comment:

  1. I spmelt the yummy cookies you made #Whakapono19 and @Aroha4 ... they smelt delicious 😋... #TuakanaTeina is alive and well at @RowandaleSchool ...
